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Broken Promises (A Timeless Trilogy Book 1) Page 7
Broken Promises (A Timeless Trilogy Book 1) Read online
Page 7
A second later I feel the warmth of his mouth over my nipple, it hardens instantly, a small moan escaping my lips. He sucks ever so gently, flicking his tongue over my sensitive flesh. His hands are on my thighs, pulling them apart. Moving down my ribs, towards my belly button he places the gentlest of kisses.
My hands fist his hair as he continues working his way down. Now lingering just above my waistline, I can feel the want in his kisses. His hands move to my hips again and he’s squeezing me, showing me that he wants me. My hands still in his hair, pulling on it a little harder than I was a moment ago. His soft lips make their way to the inside of my thigh, the heat of his breath making me think about his tongue being somewhere else. My hips move into him, silently telling him that I want more. His hand moves to my chest, pushing me just enough to give the hint that he wants me to lay down, so I do. Pulling my shorts aside, he wastes no time. His tongue is all over me. Slowly making circles over my clit, then running down to my opening. He shoves his tongue inside for only a moment and then slides it back up. He does this because he knows it’s the way to make me come the fastest. It doesn’t take him long to bring me to orgasm, my hands gripping the sheets as I do.
He tugs my shorts down and climbs on top of me. Between the teasing, his saliva and my orgasm I can feel the wetness all over the sheets that are under me. He slides into me, hard and fast, releasing a breathy groan. He moves his knees closer to me, pushing himself as deep into me as he can get. Both of his arms come down by my head, he slowly starts moving in and out. My hands are on his back, loving the way his body feels. He enjoys making me come, it’s a turn on for him and it won’t take him long to come now. He kisses my neck, the feeling of his hard cock inside of me makes me cry out.
His thrusting comes quicker and harder. My hips moving into him just the same. His breathing is getting heavier, louder. My mouth moves to his and I take his tongue into my mouth, sucking on it the same way I would suck on his cock. The way he feels inside of me after I come is an entirely different feeling than I’m used to. It doesn’t happen this way, very often.
Thump, thump, thump.
Raven runs into the room like her tail is on fire. She jumps onto the bed, running right up Andrew’s bare back.
Andrew is off me in a second, as he stands, I can see three long bleeding scratches going from between his shoulder blades down to the middle of his back.
“What the hell is wrong with her?” I ask, shocked at how she is acting.
“I’m not sure, but I’m calling the vet tomorrow.” He’s wincing, those scratches must burn.
I pad into the bathroom, take alcohol pads and antibacterial ointment from the medicine cabinet. When I return, he’s sitting on the bed. I move around him, wipe the scratches with the pads and then apply the ointment. He tells me that he’s going to check on her. I throw away the used alcohol wipes and return the ointment to the cabinet. Getting into bed, I pull the blankets up to cover me. It’s still chilly in here but I haven’t adjusted the heat yet. I close my eyes and I don’t remember falling asleep, but the sun is shining, and my alarm is going off.
Snoozing the alarm, I roll over and snuggle up to Andrew’s pillow. Something about the coolness of an unused pillow is calming. The sound of running water is coming from the bathroom. If Andrew is still in the shower, then I have more time to sleep. I drift back off, taking advantage of every minute I can get.
“Babe? You going to get up?”
“I don’t want to.” I whine as I pull the blankets over my head.
“I thought you were going to the craft store today?” He asks sweetly, the bed on his side dips. Probably putting his socks and shoes on.
“Fine, but I’m not going to be happy about it.” I grumble.
A small chuckle comes from my left. My eyes open slightly, just to peek at what he is doing. He’s standing in front of his closet looking through shirts, trying to decide which one he wants to wear today. He chooses a hunter green V-neck sweater. I wish that I could have the tone that he has. I mean, if I worked for it I could, but who wants to do that? It’s not fair how men get lucky with the good bods. They usually get the good hair and eyelashes too. It’s shit.
“How’s your back?” I ask, half speaking into the pillow because I’m comfortable and don’t want to move.
“Burns. I found Raven in grandpa’s room last night, on the shelf in his closet. Something must have spooked her.”
“It was probably the ghost.” I say, frankly.
“The what?” He pauses, turning to me with his bushy eyebrows raised. Doubt growing on his face.
Guys never believe in this stuff.
I roll over completely, freeing my mouth from the pillow. “The ghost that lives here. The one that smells good.”
He’s looking at me like I’ve lost my damn mind. Should I have not said that out loud? Is it that big of a deal? I didn’t think so…
“Ghosts aren’t real, babe. It was probably her own shadow. She’s always been a scaredy cat”
“Whatever you say, but I’m going with ghost.”
Walking around to my side of the bed, he leans down and places a chaste kiss on my forehead.
“Have a good day. I’ll see you when you get home.”
“Drive safe.” A half smile slides across my lips.
“You too. I love you”
“See ya later”
He walks out of the bedroom, his boots thumping on the hard wood floor as he goes. He opens and closes the front door; I can tell he is trying to be quiet. He probably thinks that I’m going to fall back to sleep. Normally, I would. But I am super excited about shopping. A moment later, I hear his car start and then his tires turning over the gravel in the driveway. Laying down the gravel was one of the first things Andrew did when we got here. The small stones make the driveway look more like a driveway, and less like a hiking trail.
As I walk into the bathroom to shower, I look to my left at the empty jacuzzi tub that sits neglected. I can’t believe that I haven’t tried it out yet. It’s not like I’ve been busy, I haven’t been doing much at all. Turning on the shower, I wait for the water to get hot and then step in. I shower quickly, getting antsy about leaving.
I’m out of the shower in under ten minutes. I towel dry my hair and get dressed. Picking out black leggings, a white tank top and an over-sized maroon pull-over sweatshirt. Throwing on my sneakers, I skip towards the stairs, unable to contain my excitement. I take the steps a bit slower, because I don’t want to trip. Knowing me, that’s exactly what will happen. My car keys are hanging on a hook by the door. I pick them up by the skull and cross bones keychain that my parents bought me a few years back, as a souvenir from one of their trips. I’m hungry already, but I plan to stop somewhere on the way.
Plugging my phone into the car charger, I open the GPS app. I type in the address that I need and hit start. My phone connects to the Bluetooth automatically, I only plug it in to keep the battery up. The GPS kills it quickly. My car may be a bit older, but I was sure to install an upgraded stereo system. That was a priority. As I’m about to put my phone down into the center console, I notice something small and green. A four-leaf clover. I pick it up, examining it, wondering how it got into my car. Well, it’s supposed to be good luck, right? So, maybe I shouldn’t worry about it. I put it back where I found it, placing my phone on top. Putting the car into drive, I head towards the road.
Pulling up to a red light, I see rows and rows of maple trees to my left, with beautiful fall colored leaves, sitting just beyond an old stone wall. So many trees that I can’t see where they end. Curiosity gets the best of me and I decide I want to check this place out. The sign on the side of the gate says it’s a state park, no harm in going in, then. It’s not like I’m on a time limit. The light turns green and instead of listening to my GPS, I turn onto the stone path. It seems like these trees go on forever. About a mile down, I hit a fork in the road. To the right it looks to be
a playground and a baseball field, to the left, more trees and water. Something tells me to go left. The road I’m following now is windy, speed limit signs are posted frequently, 15MPH.
Another mile down and I’ve finally reach what looks like a beach, a small one, but a beach just the same. There is a small stone bridge up ahead, covered in vines and flowers, very fairytale-esque. Part of me is wondering if I’m dreaming. This is easily one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen. The scene in front of me looks like it was pulled straight out of a book. The water is crystal blue, its soft waves crashing onto the sand. The trees are tall and full, the leaves remind me of a fire, many shades of yellow, orange and red. Even the sky is clear today, making this a picture-perfect moment.
The weather has been so blah since I’ve been here. Overcast, cold and dreary. You can tell that it only recently started getting cold. The foliage not completely switched to fall, even though officially, it was over a month ago. I’m taking everything in, lost in my surroundings, when I am suddenly filled with dread.
There it is again.
I swallow thickly, afraid of what’s to come next. I try to fight it, but I know that it probably won’t matter. The nausea washes over me, this time I think I might actually vomit, but I don’t. Instead, I start to feel tired.
Very, very tired.
“I found her. Liza, it’s her.”
“Are you sure?”
“I’m sure…and she knows nothing.” I run my hands through my long dark hair, as I pace back and forth. Filled with too many emotions to keep track of. Fear being at the forefront. Guilt not too far behind. What bothers me the most is the hesitance that I am feeling, the doubt.
“You need to tell her, Jacob, and you have to do it soon.”
“I know, but… What if it goes bad? What if I lose her again?”
“Then we start over. You know this is what you need to do. “
“You’re right. I made a promise and I intend to keep it. “
I look up at my dearest friend. The one who has been by my side during the hardest moments of my existence. The one who has literally picked me up off the floor and pulled me out of a truly dark time.
“Thank you, Liza. For everything.”
“I’ll see you when I see you, Jacob”
The smell of dirt and grass invades my nose. My head resting against something hard. My eyes slowly open, but I instantly shut them. The sun is too bright, though I have a feeling that my eyes are overly sensitive to the light because of passing out again. The sun doesn’t just get brighter. I rub my eyes and try opening them again, this time squinting and making sure to look down so that I’m not looking directly into the giant dying start that keeps us alive. Right now, wishing that it didn’t exist because I feel the sharp pains of a migraine coming on. Thanks sun.
I’m able to get my eyes open this time, but I have to keep blinking to try to wash away the sensitivity and blurriness. I realize that I’m sitting on the ground, resting against a tree. My keys are lying in the grass by my right foot. My car is parked perfectly between the lines in the lot across the road. Same as last time. Why does this keep happening to me?
The disturbing, yet familiar feeling of being watched takes over. I turn around, very, very cautiously. Afraid to make myself more nauseous than I already feel. This time is undeniably worse than the last. The trees sway in the breeze, just slightly. But there is no one there. Then why do I have this feeling?
“Hello?” I shout.
Just because I don’t see anyone doesn’t mean there isn’t anyone there. There could be someone hidden, the brush is thick, and the base of the trees are humongous.
The sharp sound of branches breaking, and footsteps make me sit up a little straighter. Planting my hands on the ground, ready to push myself up and run if needed. Turning to face my car, I close my eyes and slowly count, the same way I normally do when I start to feel anxious. Most of the nausea is gone, my head still hurts a bit but I’m feeling pretty good. Good enough to stand. I push myself to my feet, open my eyes and take a few deep breaths, using the tree behind me for support.
Poking my head around the tree, I check one more time. This time, glad I did. A tall man, with dark shoulder length hair, well-groomed beard and dark brown eyes is walking directly towards me. He’s dressed in tight black jeans, black boots and a deliciously fitted black button up shirt. I probably shouldn’t be staring at a complete stranger, but I can’t seem to take my eyes away from him. As he gets closer, I realize that he’s staring back at me, but I still cannot break the eye contact. His eyes, they seem familiar. Where do I know him from?
Maybe he isn’t looking at me, and it’s just wishful thinking. Maybe he’s just walking through and I’m crazy. Should I say something? No, that would be weird. I don’t know who this guy is, but why can’t I stop staring? My body buzzing with energy. Good energy.
What if this guy is dangerous? Something tells me that he isn’t, but I don’t feel comfortable trusting my instincts right now. My mind seems to be going haywire. Okay Asha, on three. One, two, three…I move back around the side of the tree. Hoping that maybe he didn’t see me. Not possible, but I can hope. I bend down, snatching my keys from the ground because I think I should get going. The thought of forgetting the craft store for today has crossed my mind. The exact moment that I straighten up, the extremely sexy stranger reaches me and stops only a couple feet away, blocking my path to the car. That fight or flight part of my brain is telling me to run, because this does not seem like a safe situation. But for some reason, every other part of my body is telling me to stay.
A small squeak escapes my lips, as our eyes meet. I wasn’t expecting him to get here that fast. Did he run? He doesn’t look out of breath; in fact, he seems calm, and he’s just staring at me, stone-faced. Is that creepy? It should be, but for some reason I feel…turned on. Wow. I’m fucked up worse than I thought.
“Hi.” I say, cheerily. Trying to hide every real emotion that I am feeling right now. “Can I help you?”
“You don’t know what you are, do you?” He cocks his head to the side, studying me. His voice like honey, making my knees weak.
Knock it off, Asha. Now is not the time.
“Excuse me?” I narrow my eyes, because is this guy crazy?
“What you are…do you know?” He repeats himself. He’s steady, calm. He’s looking at me as if he’s never seen another human before.
I take a step forward, politely letting him know that I intend to leave. “I’m sorry, I’m not sure what you mean. I have somewhere to be. Please, excuse me.” Giving in to the part of my brain that’s telling me this is bad; I decide I should make my way to the car. He doesn’t move. Taking another step, I veer to the left, he steps in front of me, not allowing me to go any further. Now, he is really starting to freak me out. I keep my face emotionless, not wanting him to know that he’s scaring me, but I don’t think it’s working. People get off on that kind of thing, and I’d rather not make this situation worse.
“I’m sorry,” He puts both hands up, showing me that his hands are empty. “I am not trying to frighten you. I just cannot believe you are really here.” His earthy brown eyes stare directly at me, like he is looking through me and directly into my soul. His eyes are soft and full of sadness, yet I see a darkness in there. The type of darkness that you should avoid at all costs.
“Me? You have me confused with someone else.” I look toward the ground because the constant eye contact is getting to me. I’m not usually self-conscious, but the heat coming from this guy is making me not trust myself. I feel like I could jump his bones right here and now. I’m so screwed up in the head.
“I am absolutely sure that I have the correct person, Asha.” This time I take a step back, concerned at how he knows my name. “Please, let me explain. Give me just five minutes of your time. That is all I ask.”
I want to stay, now and forever. Somet
hing about him is pulling me in, my body still buzzing with electricity. He doesn’t seem dangerous; he seems the opposite of dangerous. I feel oddly comfortable, like I have known this man my entire life. Though, I am sure I don’t know him from anywhere. Licking my lips, I look behind him. There are a few cars parked next to mine and a few people on the beach. He wouldn’t try to kidnap or kill me in front of all these people, would he?
“All right. You have five minutes. Go.” I state as I cross my arms across my chest, popping out a hip.
“You’re an Immortalite, like me.”
“A what?” Eyebrows raised.
“An Immortalite. We’re like super humans that can’t die. Well, we can die but, we come back, it’s…it is hard to explain in such a short amount of time.”
“Like reincarnation?”
“Something like that. Only we can choose it.”
“Uhm, okay. Now I’m sure that you have me confused with someone else. Did you escape from a loony bin or something?”